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Thank you for riding at this year's Germanfest Metric Century Bike Ride.

Our photographer was located about mile #24 ( about a mile North of Forestburg Texas )

This was on a downhill section with a white rail fencing in the background.




We saw quite a bit of European Tour of Texas jerseys, so we've put them in their own gallery!

Also, Team Dirt n Chile has their own gallery!  Thank you for riding with us in Muenster, ya'll.


Just a few special notes:

For those of you who wore your rider numbers on the front; some numbers were not completely visible.

So we've used a portion of your number to tag your photo.

For example, if your number was 4813, try searching for 4800.   Or something like 6475, search for 6400.



For this ride only,  Digital Downloads are $10.00 each.  If you buy three or more use discount code MUN25 for a 25% discount.

The discount also applies to printed photos.


EVENT NAME at the bottom of the image:

If you buy an image and want the EVENT NAME omitted, reach out to me with your order#.


As always, if you have any questions about cropping or centering any image, just reach out to me.

Thank you for riding in Muenster today!

Click Here for the Muenster Photos

Felix -